A new release of the Modbus RTU Android library for Ltouch multi-touch devices is available
Time has passed from the first release (v.0.1) of the modbus RTU Android library. Our customers were satisfied and many home and industrial automation projects have been developed. However, as in any software projects, some bug fixes exists and features enhancements have to be implemented.
That’s why we are proud to announce that the new version is ready for download. As usual, you will find two binaries: debug and release. The main difference is that the first will give you more informative logs whereas the second one is devoted for production. The Android devices currently supported are the Ltouch F and Ltouch S. The Modbus functions that are implemented are:
- Function Code 03, Read Holding Registers specifically designed for reading registers in one of the devices active in the bus line.
- Function Code 16, Preset Holding Registers specifically designed for writing registers in one of the devices active in the bus line.
For details, examples and API docs, please take a look at out libraries section.
In case you need to update the library only, remember to refresh your project (especially if you are using Eclipse) in order to avoid that the older version of the library will be used in the app.
As usual, comments and suggestions are welcome! 🙂